

Bio: My name is Dee. I'm 42 yrs old, under 5ft tal & weigh 234.8lbs. I was born with Congenital Rickets which is caused by a maternal Vit. D deficiency. My body doesn't absorb Vit. D correctly also my body doesn't absorb/process calcium or phosphorus right. 2 essential minerals for proper bone growth. I have a short stature, muscle weakness, chronic pain & problem with my teeth. My right leg is at a 40 degree angle & my left somewhat twisted to the right. Growing up was hard. kids say & do the meanest things. I was made fun of all my life, stared at, Things that scarred me for life. I held in my anger, feelings and pain. I built walls and let no one in. my life changed almost 6yrs ago. my mom died from heart failure due to diabetes. I never got to say I was sorry, I forgive her and I love her so much. That I understand why I never got help to correct this. After my mom died I went into a depression. I seen specialist which their info angered me even more. I'm in a wheelchair now, I let myself go, I didn't care anymore. I was going to live life like there's no tomorrow. Finally I realized i'm headed on my mom's path. I'm starting to learn to let go and most of all forgive. God made me different for a reason and I want to show the world why. I want to inspire the world. I want to show them that people who are different can make a difference. I am going to lose this weight and I am going to walk again and I so want you to follow my journey. https://deetaz316.wordpress.com xoxoxo

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  1. Heylo! Thanks for checking out my first post ever on my new diet blog! I will definitely be updating it everyday, and I look forward to seeing your posts too. I’m in Pennsylvania right now too. πŸ™‚ Stay strong, my friend.

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  2. Welcome to the blogosphere! I hope that you can find support and resources here to help you on your quest to better health and that we can all help to motivate you (and console you) along the way. Remember, no one is perfect, but we are all pretty awesome when we try πŸ™‚

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  3. thanks for the interest in my blog, this jam is special.

    I hope you will stay encouraged and take one day at a time. It’s not easy but I believe all things are possible with God even though we can ask thousands of questions when bad things happen. But God loves us, I just chose to trust it . Even though it might be a different case but I saw a woman coming out of a wheelchair after 23 years (you can watch on youtube. Before that she beat cancer and on top of it she was a pastor so she had to deal with all kind of internal struggles but she hung in there and didn’t stop believing.

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  4. Thanks for the ‘like’! Good luck in your journey. You seem really dedicated and I like how you’re using your blog to motivate yourself (and inspire others too, I’m sure). You’ll get there; you’re strong.

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  5. Heyyy
    So you’ve liked two of my posts, which to me is a HUGE deal since I started blogging just days ago, so thanks for that! You’ve obviously been through a lot, but I can tell how brave and strong you are because you’re choosing to share your struggles with the world. Keep up the good work, take it one day at a time, and don’t be too hard on yourself!
    Sending lots of love your way!

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  6. Hi there Dee! I am also known as Dee. Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you find my approach on living a natural life helpful. Keep looking forward. There’s goodness and blessing coming your way. Your determination will keep you going.

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  7. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have been reading your posts and I am amazed by what a determined woman you are. If I had half your get up and go, I would be a very skinny me by now!!
    I read that your Mother passed away and that you went into a depression after that. I went into a depression when I lost my Dad. It is so hard to get out of again, but we can do it!!
    I too am trying to lose weight (my eldest son gets married in two years time – how did I get so old??), so lets do it together!
    Good Luck and Keep on Keeping on!!


    1. We sure can do this together !!!! We share a lot in common so let share losing this weight together !!! You can do it!!! You well look & feel amazing come your son’s wedding day!!! And every step of the way you will feel so much better 😊


      1. thanks! I have decided that if I can give up smoking (33 years ago) I can stop eating cakes, biscuits (cookies) and sweets(candy). So far I have done OK on cakes and sweets but a major fail on biscuits yesterday!! Oh well. I am determined. Am drafting a blog on this and will post it soon.

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  8. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m new to this and cannot find the “like” but I’m happy to hear you are up beat. Keep it up, with a positive attitude all things are possible. Continue to enjoy your journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Good luck. Have been there with the weight issues. No quick fix with fad diets, just a question of eating sensibly, allowing yourself the occasional treat (and not feeling guilty afterwards) and taking each day at a time.
    Being in a wheelchair sucks. Have just had a stint on crutches (hopeless) so you have my utmost respect for doing what you do.
    Have had my share of depression too. Remember PMA : Positive Mental Attitude. You can and you will, it just might take a little longer.
    Keep smiling! πŸ™‚

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  10. Thanks for visiting my Blog Shortdee… NGU, NGI never give up, never give in… imm gonna keep track of you… read my recipes and advice and use the ones you like… always look ahead and most of all smile… Thanks, Chef Steffani

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  11. Thanks for liking my post! You are great to be inspiring people and living life to the fullest. Life has no limits to what you can acheive and i agree with you that we shouldnt let fear limit us to doing the things we like just because others may see us different!
    Keep up the happy spirits and continue to motivate others! ^huggs^

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  12. I hope you know how brave you are.I suffer from chronic pain myself so I know how incredibly difficult the road to weight loss can be when you are in pain.I wish you the best of luck and look forward to reading more of your blog. What I have read so far has been great.

    – Kendall


  13. Dee, revisit these words when you feel down, “I wanna show the world…” Those are powerful! You’ve got cheerleaders! I’m following you. Now go do it! Because guess what? I believe you when you say you want to make changes! You need to believe it too. You go!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I appreciate you and your blog, and have nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award. It’s an easy one and I hope you’ll take time to complete it. I’d really be interested in learning 7 new facts about you and I think the rest of the blogosphere would too! Check out my most recent post for the rules and the award for you to copy and put on your site.


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